Binance has decided to block all accounts tied to Russian officials’ relatives. People, particularly senior Kremlin officials, have been sanctioned in the midst of a massive battle between Russia and Ukraine. Furthermore, the Binance exchange’s compliance team is conducting a thorough investigation to identify other individuals who are using its services.
To probe deeper, the Binance team has revealed some of the identities of Russian government relatives whose accounts have been shut down. The exchange announced earlier this month that it had blocked the Binance accounts and services of two significant individuals.
Polina Kovaleva, the stepdaughter of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, and Elizaveta Peskova, the daughter of President Vladimir Putin, Furthermore, according to Binance, the account of President Dmitry Peskov’s secretary has been blocked.
Furthermore, the Binance exchange is betting on the involvement of additional people in the invasion and criminal actions. As a result of the ruling, Binance has blocked the account of Konstantin Malofeev’s son, Kirill Malofeev. The US Treasury Department arrested him for being a significant point of transfer for money supporting illicit activities in Russia.
Furthermore, Binance is in the process of scaling back its activities and services in Russia. Despite the fact that it is one of the world’s largest crypto markets.
Read more: Binance temporarily suspends Solana and Ape transactions